Gender Identity (VTSC)

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June 11, 2021 09:00 - 11:00

Trainer: Laurie Lynch, Tacoma Rainbow Center

When: Friday, June 11, 2021 (9-11am, PST)

Where: Virtual/Online


Society’s construction of gender, how it is defined, and how it is expressed has impacted us in ways we may not easily recognize. This, in turn, has created barriers for transgender and GNC (gender nonconforming) people to be affirmed in their gender identities. Learn more about gender identity, gender expression, and how to deconstruct social constructions of gender so you can be an effective ally and contribute to creating a sensitive, affirming, and welcoming space for trans and GNC folks.

*Note: LGBTQ Core Competency is required before taking this training.*


1. To increase knowledge about LGBTQ health/housing/employment needs.

2. To increase LGBTQ-affirming attitude

3. To increase LGBTQ-affirming behavior


1. By the end of the Gender Identity training, participants will be able to convey at least one bias or stereotype they had about gender.

2. Participants will be able to enact at least two ways to affirm gender nonconforming people using gender-neutral language by the end of the training series.

Register here:

**A Zoom link will be in your registration confirmation email**


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Online only

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