MST Women's Circle of Return with Sarah L. Blum (Every Second Monday)

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June 10, 2024 15:30 - 17:00…

To any and all women who were sexually assaulted while serving in the military including reporting and retaliation, from any time period, please come join others like you in a safe confidential Zoom group with safety protocols built-in. (Registration only needed once. Once registered the facilitator will send a passcode. Please do this in advance of the meeting)

The group will meet Monthly every Second Monday from 3:30pm to 5:00pm Pacific Time. This group is offered through is free, and facilitated by Sarah L. Blum, retired nurse psychotherapist and author of Women Under Fire: Abuse in the Military. (

Every woman attending must agree to the following protocols:

Ground Rules

A safe space held with compassion and respect by and for all.

Share from your heart whatever you need to let go of.

Be spontaneous and authentic.

Listen and speak from your heart.

Share the time and space. (there is enough for each of us)

Everything here is confidential and must remain so including who is here.

Talk about yourself only.

If you wish to address another sister about something she said, talk about how it affected you.

Be aware that all here have been sexually assaulted in the military and any sharing may be triggering to others. All here have been hurt.

It will never be OK for any of us to hurt any of our sisters here in any way.

How can you share what you need to in respectful ways?

For example: if you are angry, which you have a right to be, say the words “I am angry right now because …”

Event Status



Veteran Rites
United States

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