
About WDVA

502,028 Veterans
65,325 Active Duty
17,565 Guard and Reserve
2,000,000 Family Members (estimated)


Armed Forces License Plates

Number of Armed Forces Plates On the Road as of 10/01/2024

Air Force   3,545
Army   6,982
Coast Guard   758
Marines   4,108
National Guard   344
Navy   4,499
Total:  20,235

In Fiscal Year 2023, Armed Forces License Plates provided $604,000 for State Veterans Cemetery Operations, programs for veterans without homes, and other vital WDVA services.

Benefits for Veteran/Military Spouses and Family Members

502,028 Veterans
65,325 Active Duty
17,565 Guard and Reserve
2,000,000 Family Members (estimated)

( and

Brain Injury & Recovery-TBI Program

FY 2024/2025

TBI Outreach Events- 72

Learning Events- 47 with 564 individual attendance/participation

Veterans Reached-851  

Family Members Reached- 69                  

Veterans with TBI 1:1 – 97

Brain Injury & Recovery Program Claims Submitted- 6

Brain Injury & Recovery Program Claims Currently being worked- 11

Brain Injury & Recovery Program Claims and Benefits Generated- $74,736.22



Forgotten Heroes - Interment List

July 1 – June 30, 2024

Total Interments 734

Fiscal Year 2024

Armed Forces License Plates provided $668,000 for State Veterans Cemetery Operations, programs for veterans without homes, and other vital WDVA services.

Claims Assistance

FY 22-23

Olympia Call Center received approximately 4,768 calls

Visitors 1,015

Claims filed 613

WDVA Field Services Network:

VA Disability Compensation and Pension claims filed:    12,378

Approval Rating (Batting Average) 84%

Income generated for veteran residents from claims going into state economy:  $153.7 Million

Counseling and Wellness Program

FY 21-22


State Totals

807 Washington State Veterans have received counseling
77 Veteran family members have received counseling
1,276 hours of counseling services provided in counties in WA State (outside of King County)

King County Totals

93 King County Veterans have received counseling
34 King County Veteran family members have received counseling
2,535 hours of counseling services provided in King County

Counseling Services and Wellness Programs

State Totals

796 Washington State Veterans have received counseling

72 Veteran family members have received counseling

8,599 hours of counseling services provided in counties in WA State (outside of King County)

King County Totals

113 King County Veterans have received counseling

26 King County Veteran family members have received counseling

3,210.5 hours of counseling services provided in King County

Lethal Means Safety and Safety Planning

In 2024, 3,094 safe storage devices were distributed, including cable locks, trigger locks, and locking boxes for securely storing firearms and medications.

LGBTQ+ Veterans

FY 22-23

  • 3,199 outreach and consultation contacts with veterans, family, community members
  • 56 directly assisted with accessing benefits/services/records
  • 52 partner engagements
  • 27 Outreach events
  • 6 workshops on the LGBTQ+ Veteran Experience/LGBTQ+ Cultural Competencies

Military Spouse Initiative

FY 21-22

2,564 outreach and consultation contacts with military spouses, partners, and employers
97 Outreach events to military spouses, partners, and employers
14 partner events on employment, licensure, and childcare
52 military spouse license reimbursements at JBLM (9% of service-wide total and highest in US Army.

Completed research on military family childcare. Report pending FY23

Orting Veterans Farm


Orting Veterans Farm

9 farm plots leased to veteran agriculture producers
3 veterans are farm volunteers from the transitional housing program on the Orting soldiers home campus
1 veteran intern enrolled from the transitional housing program 
Hosted 3 gatherings for 2024 and 6 beekeeping workshops
Shared an estimated 2,500 pounds of fresh produce from our demonstration garden with the Orting and Puyallup food banks as well as employees.

FY 22-23

Orting Veterans Farm

16 farm plots leased to veteran agriculture producers
9 veterans enrolled in business agriculture training programs
3 veterans enrolled in whole farm training program 
3 veteran interns enrolled from Orting Soldiers Home campus (Transitional Housing Program or Tiny Home Village)
5 veterans volunteered from the Orting THP or Tiny Home Village
2,540 pounds of fresh, organic produce given away at weekly free produce stand on Orting Soldiers Home campus

Veterans in Agriculture Pilot Program 

299 trainings and outreach provided
1,062 hours of trainings and outreach provided
55 veterans enrolled in the VA Farms Program
1,603 veterans reached by the program
2,991 community members reached by the program

Spokane Veterans Home

Serves 100 residents

SSG Fox community-based suicide prevention

FY 22-23

Screened 101 applicants for suicide risk

--Of those screened for Suicide Risk:

•  Enrolled 29 Participants in the SSG Fox Program

•  Enrolled 53 Participants with Onward Ops 

•  Connected 23 transitioning service members with a Sponsor in Washington

•  Conducted 32 Referrals to resources

•  Conducted/attended 116 outreach events

•  Enrolled 43 Onward Ops Sponsors to work with transitioning Service Members

•  Submitted 65 claims for benefits

•  Hosted 1 Equine Therapy Event for SSG Fox enrollees and their spouses


Suicide Prevention and Support

FY 22-23

78 Veteran’s LEARN workshops - 628 participants

4 VCE trainings conducted

30 Governor’s Challenge Team meetings held

31 SAMHSA/VA Community of Practice meetings

Assisted 24 SMVFs in crisis by referring to community resources

Initiate and/or completed 18 of 20 objectives in the WA State SMVF Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan 21-23

Held 1 statewide suicide prevention virtual event – “Together Washington”

Provided subject matter expert consultation for WA Veteran Suicide Awareness and Prevention at 228 events.

Provided 34 resource peer support.

Provided 3 crisis peer support.

1 referral made


  • South Sound Community and Military Partnerships 


  • Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
  • WDVA Provider Conference (Lake Chelan, WA)
  • Eastern Washington Veterans Task Force 
  • DBHR Behavioral Health Service Provider Listening Session
  • Serving Those Who Served Conference (Wenatchee, WA) 
  • Vet Corps Beginning of the Year (Wenatchee, WA)
  • Vet Corps Mid-Year 


  •  National Conference of State Legislatures (Seattle, WA)

Transitioning Warrior Program

FY 22-23

Claims Filed:  167


Vet Corps

FY 22-23

# veterans served by Vet Corps:  814

# veteran family members served by Vet Corps:  71

# veterans who complete a mutually-agreed upon goal:  449

# veterans engaged in National Service for the first time:  0

# veteran National Service participants who secure employment as a result of their term of service:  5

Veteran Owned Businesses

FY 22-23

2,224 certified VOB’s

261 new certifications

24 outreach events to transitioning service members, partners, and agency purchasing offices

3 entrepreneurship partner events hosted


Veterans Conservation Corps Program


19 Veterans enrolled in VCC internships

Veterans in conservation internships:  10

Veterans in agricultural internships:  9


For veterans who completed their internships in 2024: 

gained employment directly after internship

continued to higher education

10 were connected to some form of veteran benefit

Veterans In-State Service Shared Leave Program


2443.93 VISSLP hours used

$110,592.06 VISSLP donations disbursed


Updated 03/18/2025