How can agencies track whether they are meeting the Agency Procurement from Veteran Owned Businesses target contained in Executive Order 22-01?
- Use the Fiscal Year Agency Contracting Report to count the % of contracts that are awarded to Veteran Owned Businesses. Fill in the ‘Small Business Status’ field and indicate whether the business is a Veteran Owned Business.
- After you submit your report to DES, let WDVA know what your percentage is.
- More information about agency contract reporting.
- Information on Contracting & Purchasing Policies, Training and Resources.
How can agencies locate Certified Veteran Owned Businesses?
- Check the list of Certified Veteran Owned Businesses on the WDVA website.
- Use the vendors by contract report in WEBS to identify diverse businesses on master contract.
- Use the WEBS Vendors by Commodity Code Report to identify vendors that agreed to share their contact information. (Look for the link under ‘Related Topics’.)
What if the business is owned by a veteran but not Certified by Washington State?
- Agencies can only count businesses certified by WDVA toward their 5% participation goal.
- If you think a business is eligible for certification, invite them to apply in WEBS. Here is some additional information on Veteran Owned Business Certification in WA State. Or provide WDVA with your point of contact at the business and we will reach out directly to them.
How can agencies track how much has been spent with Diverse Businesses?
- OMWBE Diverse Participation Report available through the Reporting Portal.
How can agencies find Master Contracts that are Veteran, Minority or Women owned?
- Visit Click on the Contract Search Tool, then “Contracts with Diverse Options” in the drop-down and then filter to “Veteran”.