Most adults have experienced at least one traumatic event in life, and trauma exposure is even more prevalent for our Veterans. Trauma can be like a thief, stealing our sense of safety, our ability to trust, our hope, and our sense of control over our own lives. All of these difficulties can impact our ability to participate in, and benefit from, the very services designed to help with healing. Trauma-informed care (also known as healing-centered engagement) can help. Trauma-informed care (TIC) is not a specific therapy method; instead, TIC is an overall approach to providing any sort of healthcare or social services designed to meet people where they’re at and help them regain a sense of safety, trust, connection, hope, and control. In this 6-hour training, we will explore what trauma is; how stress and trauma impact our brains, our minds, and our lives; how to use core communication skills to connect with individuals who have experienced trauma; and how to change the environments where we deliver services to maximize safety and healing.
Training participants will have the opportunity to learn in various ways including lectures, demonstrations, discussions, and experiential learning activities designed to offer a richer understanding of trauma-informed care. This educational training is designed for people from a variety of professional backgrounds (i.e., it is NOT designed solely with mental health professionals in mind); Anyone who wishes to understand how they could play a role in making their professional environment more conducive to healing is most welcome.
**Note: this training is provided as information and education and is not intended as therapy, healthcare, medical advice, or a doctor-patient relationship; if you have questions about the role of trauma in your life, please consult your healthcare provider.