Dan Gross, LICSW
Daniel Gross is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) experienced in the treatment of trauma. His practice serves those Veterans living in King County. Both telehealth and office visits are available at his office in West Seattle: 3500 SW Alaska Street, Seattle, 98126. Phone number: 206-395-6882. Mr. Gross provides individual, couples, and group therapy. Hours of availability consist of Monday through Friday, 0800-1700. A son and brother of United States Marine Corps Veterans, he is familiar with themes confronting Veterans, personally and professionally. Therapies used by Mr. Gross include Cognitive Processing Therapy, Integrated Behavioral Couples Therapy, and Present Centered Group Therapy (PCGT) for PTSD. At this time, there is availability for a new PCGT, as well as individual and couples’ sessions. In 2021, Mr. Gross along with several co-authors published a book on the topic of PCGT. He presents on the topic of PCGT on both a local and national level. More information can be found at: https://jetcitypsych.com.