Governor’s Challenge: Focused Priority Areas
Priority 1: Identifying SMVF and Screening for Suicide Risk
Priority 2: Promoting Connectedness and Improving Care Transitions
Priority 3: Increasing Lethal Means Safety and Safety Planning

Suicide remains a significant concern in Washington State and across the United States. While it impacts numerous communities, certain groups face heightened risks due to specific risk factors and access to lethal means. Notably, Service Members and Veterans are at a greater risk compared to the general population. In response to this pressing issue, the Washington State Governor’s Challenge team, along with the broader Service Member, Veteran, and Military Family (SMVF) Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee, was established in 2020. Their objective is to adopt a collaborative public health approach aimed at reducing suicide rates in Washington State by 20% by the year 2025.
Governor Jay Inslee accepted the VA’s Challenge to Governors and Mayors in January 2020. Since that time, a diverse coalition of government and non-government agencies, organizations, and individuals has convened regularly to develop, implement, and sustain the SMVF Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan.
Challenge Objectives
- Convene a state/territory (Governor’s Challenge) or city/community (Mayor’s Challenge) interagency military and civilian team of leaders to develop an implementation plan to prevent suicide among SMVF that will advance the VA’s National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide (PDF | 2.8 MB) and incorporate evidence-based strategies from the CDC’s Suicide Prevention Resource for Action (PDF | 25.4 MB).
- Engage with city, county, territory and state stakeholders to enhance and align local and state-wide suicide prevention efforts.
- Understand the issues surrounding suicide prevention for SMVF.
- Increase knowledge about the challenges and lessons learned in implementing best policies and practices by using state/territory-to-state/territory and community-to-community sharing.
- Implement promising, best, and evidence-based practices to prevent and reduce suicide at the local level.
- Define and measure success, including defining assignments, deadlines, and measurable outcomes to be reported.
Governor’s Challenge: Focused Priority Areas