Promoting Connectedness and Improve Care Transitions

The second priority area of Washington State’s Governor’s Challenge is to enhance connectedness and improve care transitions for Service Members, Veterans, and their Families (SMVF). We are dedicated to ensuring every Veteran, Service Member, and their Families receive support and are not overlooked. This includes emphasizing connections, encouraging collaboration across different sectors, and carefully assessing care transitions.


  • Enhance awareness of the resources, services, and benefits available to SMVF
  • Increase access to the resources, services, and benefits available to SMVF
  • Boost the coverage and utilization or resources, services, and benefits available to SMVF


Before Transitioning from the Military:

It’s never too early to have a plan. Learning about resources and services that will benefit you during your military to Veteran transition can be a great way to get an early start on the next phase of your life.

  • Geico Podcast (coming soon)

During the Transition Process:

Navigating the transition from military to civilian life can be quite challenging. Fortunately, there are resources available to assist, ensuring that those leaving the military are not alone in this process.

After Military Transition:

Transitions are hard. Getting an early start on your Veteran benefits can make it easier. Connecting to a VSO can help you navigate the process of VA benefits, healthcare, and resources for key stressors such as housing, education, and employment.

  • Increasing the number of VSO statewide, and especially in tribal communities - Report


It’s never too early, or late, to get or give support. Knowing how to recognize crisis can help prevent a crisis from escalating. Leaning on community and clinical services can help resolved the crisis all together. Knowing how to reach out for support is the key.