Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrating the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On this day, and on the third Monday of each January since 1986, millions of people across America celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a national holiday of remembrance and service.  His spirit lives on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. where he gave his “I have a Dream” speech in front of over 200,000 people.

Many years have passed, but Dr. King’s words and actions are relevant to the way we conduct our own lives now. They tell us to be kind and patient on how we treat one another. They also amplify how we might consider the uniqueness we all bring through our own personal experiences and how those experiences can help us better serve each other, our veterans and their families.  

Thank you,


My Pronouns: She/Her/Veteran


Washington Department of Veterans Affairs

1102 Quince St. SE

PO Box 41155-1150

Olympia, WA 98504