PROCLAMATION - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

WHEREAS, at dawn on Sunday, December 7, 1941, the United States Pacific 
Fleet was attacked at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; and 

WHEREAS, December 7 is a day that still lives in infamy 82 years later, after more than 
2,400 Americans died in the attack on Pearl Harbor and more than 1,100 were wounded; and 

WHEREAS, following the attack, thousands of young Americans bid 
their families farewell and joined the U.S. Armed Forces to protect their nation; and 

WHEREAS, December 7, 2023, marks the 82nd Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and entry of the United States into World War II; and 

WHEREAS, official commemoration of the attack on Pearl Harbor instills in the citizens of Washington state and the nation a greater understanding and appreciation of 
the selfless acts of individuals who served in the Armed Forces during World War II; 

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jay Inslee, governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim December 7, 2023, as 
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 

in Washington, and I urge all people in our state to join me in this special observance. 

Signed this 30th day of October, 2023

Governor Jay Inslee

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Proclamation PDF

