Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs Applauds the City of Olympia for joining forces to Prevent Suicide
OLYMPIA, Wash. - The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) Suicide Prevention Team was honored to participate in a recent Olympia City Council meeting where the City unveiled plans to place 988 Lifeline Emblems on its vehicles. WDVA thanks the city of Olympia for leading the way in the fight against suicide and for setting an example for cities and counties across the state.

"Having the City of Olympia become a partner and display the 988 Emblems demonstrates their commitment to suicide prevention," said Solomon Gilbert, WDVA Deputy Director. “The emblems will be visible in neighborhoods throughout the city and help spread awareness of the 988 Crisis Support Lifeline and the fact that there is help and support available to anyone who needs it.”
The City of Olympia has taken the proactive step of purchasing 200 988 Lifeline Emblems to add to their fleet of vehicles. These emblems are a symbol of support and solidarity, raising awareness about suicide prevention and crisis support in the community.
By purchasing a 988 Lifeline Emblem, Washington residents are not only showing their support but also contributing to a special fund. This fund will be used to provide community-based grants to organizations that offer suicide prevention through peer support for transitioning veterans, military members, and their families.
“Olympia's proactive step to add emblems to their fleet of vehicles increases the visibility of the emblems and awareness of the 988 system,” said Don Seese, WDVA Suicide Prevention Program Specialist.
“Every emblem has a potential impact on someone dying by suicide. I'm proud to have been a part of the effort in the City of Olympia and I look forward to engaging other city councils in our efforts to save lives.”
The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs is committed to building a comprehensive Suicide Prevention program that empowers communities and creates safer, more supportive environments. The goal is to ensure that individuals have access to the help they need and that every life is valued and protected.
"We are grateful for the City of Olympia's dedication to suicide prevention and their partnership in this important cause," added Gilbert.
To learn more about how to join the fight against suicide and to purchase an emblem, visit the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs website at https://www.dva.wa.gov/suicidepreventionemblem.