Search for Veteran Owned Businesses
Displaying 96 - 100 of 1236
Company Address | Website | Phone number | FAX Number | Commodity Codes | County Location | State UBI Number | Vendor ID | Certification_Number | Certification_Date | Company | Commodity Code Categories | |
Apex Supply LLC 1910 Pike Ave Richland WA 99354 |
(940) 923-3706 | (940) 923-3706 |
605607975 | 105839 | WDVAAPEX24 | Apex Supply LLC
Richland WA |
Applied Technical Systems Inc. 7566 E Sitka Court Port orchard WA 98366 | | (360) 989-3349 |
600-357-234 | 13055 | 0CDE45BF | Applied Technical Systems Inc.
Port orchard WA |
AppTech, Inc. DBA: 314 E 26th St Tacoma WA 98421 | | (253) 566-9155 |
601468247 | 283 | 4C39AC51 | AppTech, Inc. DBA: Tacoma WA |
April Supply 2911 2nd AveUnit 600 Seattle WA 98121 |
(206) 349-0130 |
99244 | WDVAAPSP23 | April Supply
Seattle WA |
APS Survey and Mapping 13221 SE 26th Street, Suite A Bellevue WA 98005 | | (425) 746-3200 |
602965641 | 29054 | WDVAVOB | APS Survey and Mapping
Bellevue WA |