DVA News

Displaying 51 - 60 of 155 (page 6)

Gold Star Families Day - Partners Toolkit

Published: 09/29/2024

Gold Star Families Day - TOOLKIT

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Honoring and reflecting on the sacrifices of Washington State Veterans - Puget Sound Honor Flight

Published: 09/21/2024

Honoring and reflecting on the sacrifices of Washington State Veterans - Puget Sound Honor Flight



Published: 09/20/2024

WHEREAS, more than 217,000 Americans have been confined by adversaries of the United States during the lread more

Congratulations to WDVA's Military Spouse Liaison Olivia Burley! - Inslee recognizes outstanding leadership in 23 state government managers

Published: 09/14/2024

Congratulations to WDVA's Military Spouse Liaison Olivia Burley! - Inslee recognizes outstanding leadership in 23 state government managers

Gov. Jay Inslee recognized 23 state agency leaders earlier this week at an annual awards ceremony. The Governor's Outstanding Leadership Awards celebrated accomplishments achieved during the 2023 calendar year, to include WDVA's very own Military… read more

PRESS RELEASE - State Veterans Cemetery to Inter Unclaimed Veterans at Medical Lake 

Published: 09/12/2024

PRESS RELEASE - State Veterans Cemetery to Inter Unclaimed Veterans at Medical Lake 

Spokane County – The State Veterans Cemetery, Medical Lake will hold a Forgotten Heroes interment on September 19 at 1:00pm.   

WDVA works closely with Veterans service groups, funeral industry partners, public administrators and other… read more

September 2024 - WDVA Veteran Voices Newsletter

Published: 09/11/2024

Please enjoy the latest edition of our WDVA Veteran Voices Newsletter

To access the newsletter, please visit: 2024 Sept Veteran Voices - WA Dept of Veterans Affairs (govdelivery.com)

In this edition:

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Suicide Prevention Month - Message from Your WDVA

Published: 09/06/2024

This month, many of our agencies and organizations are reaffirming or making new commitments to combat Veteran suicide.  And it’s no surprise why, statistics show that Veterans make up 7% of our state’s population, but 19% of all suicides in our state are Veterans or service members.   

This reality is why Suicide Prevention is at the top of our minds. 

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Get Involved - LEARN Saves Lives Training - Suicide Prevention Resources

Published: 09/05/2024

LEARN Saves Lives Training Participant Testimonial Quote: “As someone with lived experience in, being a veteran, losing friends to suicide and having my own suicidal ideations, it has helped me connect with my participants. By integrating parts of my story that are relevant and useful to the group, it helps connect dots with what I’m talking about to real life situations… read more

Outstanding Service to Veterans Awards - Now Accepting Nominations

Published: 09/04/2024



PROCLAMATION - Suicide Prevention Month

Published: 09/01/2024

Suicide Prevention Proclamation 
WHEREAS, suicide most often occurs when stressors exceed the current coping abilities of someone living with a mental health condition; and 
WHEREAS, suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Washington state and the 11th leading cause of death in the United States; and 
WHEREAS, in 2023, an estimated 1,278 residents of… read more