DVA News

Displaying 601 - 610 of 684 (page 61)

VAAC Town Hall Meeting - Wapato September 15th

Published: 08/24/2016

We want to hear from YOU about veteran’s issues important to you and our family!

Join us September 15, 2016
10am - Noon
American Legion
210 East 3rd Street, Wapato, WA 

Meet area leaders, providers, religious congregations, local hospital staff, urgent care staff, non-profits to learn about local veteran’s services and benefits, and hear about veterans bills… read more

The 24th Annual Washington State Governor’s Employer Awards Program

Published: 08/11/2016

The Governor’s Employer Awards Program recognizes:

  • Public, Private and Non-Profit Employers for their efforts to recruit, hire, and promote individuals with disabilities.
  • Employers supporting youth with disabilities through employment preparation and job skills training.
  • An individual with a disability who has significantly enhanced the empowerment of people with… read more

WA State Veteran Service Officer Information Session

Published: 08/08/2016

This one-day information session will cover the following topics:

VA Pension - presented by the VA's St. Paul Pension Center
Washington State Veterans Benefits - presented by WA Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Education Benefits - presented by WA Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Behavioral Health/Post-Traumatic Stress - presented by WA Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Traumatic… read more

Purple Heart Recipient Recognition Day - Proclamation

Published: 08/05/2016

WHEREAS, our nation and its principles have been defended throughout history by
brave and patriotic men and women who willingly sacrificed their own well being for the cause
of freedom and democracy; and
WHEREAS, President George Washington created the Badge of Military Merit to honor
brave military personnel; and
WHEREAS, in 1932, on the 200th… read more

Superintendent of the Walla Walla State Veterans Home Announced

Published: 08/02/2016

Walla Walla — The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs is proud to announce the appointment of Lael Hepworth as the first Superintendent of the Walla Walla State Veterans Home, scheduled to open in the winter of 2017.  Hepworth previously served as the Superintendent of the Washington Soldiers Home, Orting in 2013 before accepting a position with the California Department of… read more

2016 Washington State Outstanding Awards for Service to Veterans

Published: 08/01/2016

The Governor's Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for the 2016 Washington State Outstanding Awards for Service to Veterans.

These awards are open to all who serve veterans in Washington State and nominations may be submitted by any person, organization or institution. Nominations are due by September 16, 2016 and the Winners will be Honored in the 50th Auburn… read more

Service for Service Conference Registration is Open!

Published: 07/28/2016

Welcome to the 4th annual Service for Service: Washington Goes to the Dogs. The aim of this conference is to provide participants an opportunity to explore whether a service, therapy or emotional support animal is best for them. The focus of the conference is self-exploration and which mode of support is best for those combat veterans living with the invisible wounds of Posttraumatic Stress… read more

Dream Foundation Donates Daybed to Veteran In Need

Published: 07/08/2016

The WDVA Way is to inspire each other and share information – you can do both by Sharing Your Story!

Date: July 06, 2016 

Dream Foundation Donates Daybed to Veteran In Need

(View PDF version)

A truly inspiring and emotional moment for your Washington Department of Veterans Affairs… read more

Spokane Veterans Home Donates Food to Charity House Shelter

Published: 07/08/2016

The WDVA Way is to inspire each other and share information – you can do both by Sharing Your Story!

Date: June 29, 2016  

Spokane Veterans Home Donates Food to Homeless Shelter

(view PDF… read more

State celebrates YesVets Veteran Hiring Initiative with Flag Day event at Capitol

Published: 06/16/2016

Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs and Employment Security Department

Media Release

WDVA Director Lourdes E. Alvarado-Ramos        ESD Commissioner Dale Peinecke

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