DVA News

Displaying 611 - 620 of 684 (page 62)

VetCorps Positions Available

Published: 06/01/2016

The WDVA Vet Corps Program is currently recruiting for the Fall 2016 year! 


Memorial Day Proclamation - 2016

Published: 05/24/2016

WHEREAS, our ancestors shaped the structure of our political system, laid the groundwork

for higher discoveries in science and medical research, started long-lasting traditions that enrich our

heritage, and fought in wars so that future generations would have freedom; and

WHEREAS, it is important on Memorial Day to cherish the memories of our friends and

family… read more

Vietnam Veteran Receives Electric Wheel Chair

Published: 05/02/2016

The WDVA Way is to inspire each other and share information – you can do both by Sharing Your Story!

Date: April 28, 2016 Program/Location: Rural Veterans Coordination

Who did you help? Michael is a Vietnam veteran who served in the United States Navy. During his time in the Navy he served on the USS Mars.

How did you help them or how is their situation improved? Michael… read more

Vet Bikes Program & Building 9 Transitional Housing

Published: 04/25/2016

Building 9 for Veterans Transitional Housing Program is located at the Washington Veterans Home in Retsil, WA.

The 60-bed transitional housing facility is available to assist those in need of stable housing, vocational rehabilitation, and increased income potential.

Veterans are surrounded with supportive staff and wrap-around services designed to lead to their successful… read more

2016 Legislative Session Review

Published: 04/22/2016

The 2016 Regular and Special Session has come to a close and several important pieces of legislation will be enacted in June.

Below is a recap, but visit http://www.dva.wa.gov/about-wdva/legislative-updates for a more in-depth review.


ESHB 1213 County veterans assistance fund:

Modifies the definitions of "veteran" and "… read more

WSRA 2016 Institution Recycler of the Year Award - WA Veterans Home Retsil

Published: 04/18/2016

Washington Veterans Home Retsil has been selected to receive the WSRA 2016 Institution Recycler of the Year Award.

Our committee of recycling professionals from around the state reviewed many impressive nominations, and we are delighted to count you among those who will be highlighted at our annual Awards Banquet and Plenary Session at the WSRA Annual Conference, May 15-18, 2016 at The… read more

Governor's Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Town Hall - Shelton

Published: 04/05/2016

Join us April 28, 2016

10am - Noon

Shelton Memorial Hall

210 W. Franklin Street

Shelton, WA 

We want to hear from you about Veterans Issues important to you and your family!

Meet area leaders and providers to learn about local veterans services and benefits, and hear about veterans issues being debated in the Washington State Legislature.

WHAT’S… read more

Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day is April 9

Published: 03/31/2016

The State of Washington 

WHEREAS, Americans have defended freedom throughout its history, and thousands have been captured in their efforts to protect our democratic way of life; and 
WHEREAS, many American prisoners endured great pain and suffering at the hands of their 
captors, including more than 100,000 during World War II; and 
WHEREAS, April… read more

March 29th: National Vietnam Veterans Day

Published: 03/29/2016

National Vietnam Veterans Day

On March 29, 1973, the last of our troops left Vietnam. Three million Americans served in the conflict and thousands upon thousands returned home with physical and emotional wounds. More than 58,000 others never returned home, laying down their lives in service to our nation.

Our Vietnam War Veterans, whether in country or not, were scorned and… read more

Orting Wins 2016 Energy Savings Program

Published: 03/28/2016

And the Winner Is: Washington Soldiers Home.

Orting is the winner in the energy savings program for 2015. Our Facilities Department has done an OUTSTANDING job in reducing energy by using boiler time based on needs not just run time, more preventative maintenance on systems in the buildings, etc.

The 2015 Battle of the Buildings final report has been submitted. Our weather… read more