DVA News

Displaying 631 - 640 of 684 (page 64)

Learning to Teach Again - Rural Veterans Coordination Program Assists Veteran

Published: 02/12/2016

The WDVA Way is to inspire each other and share information – you can do both by Sharing Your Story!

Date:                             _______2/10/2016_________________

Program/Location:    _Rural Veterans Coordination Program_

Who did you help? (Ian)  We helped Ian find his passion to return to college to… read more

YesVets pilot project aims to get more employers to say “Yes” to hiring veterans

Published: 02/12/2016

YesVets pilot project aims to get more employers to say “Yes” to hiring veterans


Contacts:   Janelle Guthrie, ESD Communications Director, (360) 902-9289

                    Heidi Audette, WDVA Communications Director, (360) 725-2154
                    Barbara Dunn, Commerce Communications Director, (360) 725-2805

New veterans hiring… read more

Massing of the Colors Day - 2016

Published: 02/08/2016

Governor Inslee has proclaimed February 21, 2016 to be Massing of the Colors Day in Washington State.

READ MORE: http://www.dva.wa.gov/massing-colors-stadium-high-school


Oak Harbor Governor's Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee Town Hall

Published: 02/08/2016

Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs

Media Release

Director Lourdes E. Alvarado-Ramos

Deputy Director Gary Condra


Heidi Audette
Communications Director

(360) 725-2154 – office

(360) 791-8966 – cell




For… read more

Learning to Dance Again - Ballroom Dancer Dances Again with Wife After Therapy

Published: 02/08/2016

Learning to Dance Again

The Washington Soldiers Home in Orting received a special dancing performance from one of their occupational therapy residents who was unable to dance after an injury. 

That was, until, his persistence in therapy sessions paid off and he surprised the entire staff with a ballroom dancing performance during one of… read more

Former Homeless Veteran Spends Holidays in New Home Thanks to Building 9

Published: 02/07/2016

Building 9 for Veterans - WDVA Share Your Story Submission

This letter was received by a former homeless Veteran who went through the Bldg 9 Transitional Program for Homeless Veterans.  He now has a home & spent the holidays with his children in his own home & submitted this letter.

(For his privacy, we have omitted his signature line)



What Would YOU Do with a Half-Acre and Couldn't Fail

Published: 02/02/2016

If you haven’t heard of the Veterans Farm at Orting, you’re not alone.  No one has, because six months ago, it didn’t exist.

Sure, it was an idea, a thought, a conversation among members of the Veterans Conservation Corps (VCC).  But the scale of the project was enormous and the budget was zero.  With no plan and no money, there was no way to build a program with the opportunity to… read more

Remembering George “Meadowlark” Lemon III’s Military Service

Published: 01/04/2016

As many pay tribute to Lemon for his basketball career, we also pay tribute to the “Clown Prince of Basketball” for his military service.

While it’s not shocking that George “Meadowlark” Lemon III was instrumental to the game of basketball while playing with the Harlem Globetrotters, it may not be well known that this icon in sports history also served his country.… read more

Walla Walla Construction Update

Published: 12/28/2015

Construction Timeline: Work began in July, 2015 and is scheduled for completion in the Winter of 2016.

Get a birds-eye view of construction in progress!  Click here for images of the construction site.

December 22, 2015:

  • Met with Pacific Power to confirm placement of power pole inside… read more

The 2016 National Veterans Creative Arts Competition Deadline is February 22

Published: 12/28/2015

The VA Art Competition and Show provides veterans with an opportunity to be acknowledged for their artistic talents and skills.  Participants must be active outpatients or inpatients of VA Puget Sound Health Care System before entering the competition. Find out more and how you can participate,  or for more information contact Sarah Punshon at 206-277-6161 … read more