Search for Veteran Owned Businesses
Displaying 241 - 245 of 2420
Company Address | Website | Phone number | FAX Number | Commodity Codes | County Location | State UBI Number | Vendor ID | Certification_Number | Certification_Date | Company | Commodity Code Categories | |
B&B Structures LLC DBA: B&B Structures LLC 420 SW Crescent Avenue Sunnyside WA 98944 |
PO box 1031 | (509) 840-3692 | (509) 840-3692 |
603 590 981 | 80428 | P7G0IZI2 | B&B Structures LLC DBA: B&B Structures LLC Sunnyside WA |
B&M Landscaping, LLC DBA: The Grounds Guys of Lacey 22435 Bluewater DR SE Yelm WA 98597 |
(360) 359-0829 |
604584191 | 81585 | n6QrWbgH | B&M Landscaping, LLC DBA: The Grounds Guys of Lacey Yelm WA |
B.A.T.& Coatings llc DBA: B.A.T. & Coatings llc 2115 NE 27th ST Vancouver WA 98661 | | (360) 314-2448 |
603-413-374 | 56914 | WDVAVOB | B.A.T.& Coatings llc DBA: B.A.T. & Coatings llc Vancouver WA |
BaBa Foods Co. DBA: BaBa Foods Co. 100 Andover Park WSTE 150 #409 Tukwila WA 98188 |
100 Andover Park W, STE 150 #409 | (206) 468-0888 |
604604029 | 81893 | bQg7JBEp | BaBa Foods Co. DBA: BaBa Foods Co. Tukwila WA |
Back Bay Solutions LLC 24636 Vashon Hwy SW Vashon island WA 98070 |
(206) 423-3155 |
51529 | ffcOuLGE | Back Bay Solutions LLC
Vashon island WA |